Though my game is still on latest games, I can't be quiet and I have to think about another game plan. I'm picking up all things people is telling me via Newgrounds / Kongregate and I'm gonna use them to make a second part of "No More Zombies". Meanwhile, I'll make a small game, I think this one will be a small platform game or something like that though I'm not really sure. I have to finish it as soon as possible because I'd like to work on the second part of "No More Zombies". I can't work on the second part because it's still on latest games and I should add all to this game so I'll wait a week or so...
Wow!!!!!! You sound really busy?!?!?!?!
Luminem (Updated )
Um, yeah I'm busy but I'm busy mainly because of highschool. For me, to make games isn't a "job", I think, I'm not busy by making games, for me to make a "game" it's like to play a game for someone. I make them when I'm bored or I've free time :P (Too many free days at highschool now ^_^)